Nearly half a million dollars has been granted to Woodenbong Showground to upgrade facilities on site thanks to the NSW Government’s Crown Reserves Improvement Fund.
Local Nationals Member of the Legislative Council Ben Franklin, along with Minister for Water, Property Housing Melinda Pavey joined members of the Woodenbong Show Society to announce the Funding.
Mr Franklin said this level of funding would see phenomenal improvements at the showground and make sure the Show Society could continue to put on their annual show as well as support community events at the grounds throughout the year.
“This funding will allow for extensive upgrades of pavilions and grandstands, the announcers box, BBQ areas and power lines,” Mr Franklin said.
“The Woodenbong Show, and the Showground, is a focal point for the community each year and they can now be assured of better amenities for horse sports, local events and keep up with the needs and expectation of competitors and visitors.”
Minister Melinda Pavey said the funding for Woodenbong is part of $51.7 million from the Crown Reserves Improvement Fund this year to support 705 maintenance and upgrade projects on Crown reserves across the State.
“This year’s fund has received a $40 million boost to support communities that have been impacted by bushfires and COVID-19, to fund infrastructure improvements and support jobs for local trades and materials suppliers,” Mrs Pavey said.
“Protecting and enhancing Crown land reserves is essential for the well-being of communities and our environment, and to support recreation, tourism, business, and local economies.”
Woodenbong Showground will receive $496,338 to:
- upgrade and re stump the pavilion and grandstand
- upgrade the BBQ area
- install windows and security rollers
- replace fencing
- rebuild the announcers box
- construct a gate house
- extend the pavilion and undercover area
- purchase show jumping wings, show jumping safety cups and poles
- replace power lines
- upgrade the meter box
Secretary/Treasurer of the Woodenbong Reserve and Treasurer of the Show Society Lynne Parker said this funding would make a huge difference to the local community.
“These improvements will be utilised for the many range of events held at the showground. It will be great to be able to give back even more to local sporting and community groups with these upgraded facilities,” Ms Parker said.
“We will continue to encourage new groups and community members to use the grounds with the update of the facilities. This is a great outcome for the community.”
The Woodenbong community will see further improvements to facilities in their town through the Crown Reserves Improvement Fund.
The Public Hall will receive $29,150 to upgrade their food preparation facilities and the Woodenbong Common will receive $15,677 for tree maintenance and to upgrade fencing.
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