Nationals Parliamentary Secretary for Northern NSW Ben Franklin today announced $2,950 in funding for the Ballina Croquet Club.
Mr Franklin said the funding will be a great boost for one of the oldest and most respected sporting clubs in the Northern Rivers.
“This is a wonderful Club which promotes a healthy active social and sporting lifestyle for members of our community,” Mr Franklin said.
“The Club is currently working to improve their facilities, and I am thrilled that the NSW Liberal & Nationals Government can support their work.
Mr Franklin said the funding will allow the Club to purchase a laptop and software to assist the Club during competitions and trolleys to help move the croquet equipment.
“We want to ensure that our community can maximize the Club facilities and that Club members enjoy croquet for years to come.
“This funding will mean competitions can be organised easily with more efficient registration of competitors including recording results, adjusting handicaps and doing draws.
“Thank you to Club President Richard Hughes for all his work in growing the Club to making it the wonderful organisation it is.”
“I look forward to seeing croquet continuing to grow in popularity for in our community.
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