The diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s stories, cultures and languages will be recognised as we celebrate National Indigenous Literacy Day.

The annual celebration is a reminder of the importance of a connection to language, cultural, songlines, significance and literacy for Aboriginal communities across NSW.

Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Ben Franklin said the revitalisation and growth of Aboriginal languages is fundamental to maintaining and strengthening Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, language and identity.

“Aboriginal languages are intrinsic to everyones culture, especially Aboriginal culture and today I encourage everyone to engage with Aboriginal languages in your local community to enjoy and share in the incredible work of Aboriginal storytellers,” Mr Franklin said.

“In July, I was proud to announce $1.6 million from the NSW Government to support Aboriginal community-controlled organisations and increase knowledge sharing and learning across NSW as part of state-based efforts to support Aboriginal language revitalisation.

“The revival and ongoing use of Aboriginal languages is incredibly important to keeping culture strong and National Indigenous Literacy Day serves as a reminder to this. We are home to the oldest, continuing culture in the world and its days like today that we all have an opportunity to understand the significance this holds.”

Aboriginal Languages Trust Executive Director and proud Gamilaroi and Dhungutti person Clare McHugh said the priority for the Trust was to drive languages use and growth in Aboriginal communities.

“The Aboriginal Languages Trust is here for communities to respond to their aspirations and participate in their self-determining work to reclaim and reawaken their languages,” said Ms McHugh.

“Over the last three years, the NSW Aboriginal Languages Trust has granted more than $2.7 million to Aboriginal organisations and groups for languages revitalisation.”

More information on National Indigenous Literacy Day 2022 can be found here: Indigenous Literacy Day (