Bellingen Memorial Hall will receive upgraded audio and lighting equipment thanks to $410,000 in funding from the NSW Government’s Creative Capital Program.
Minister for the Arts Ben Franklin said the installation of new sound and lighting equipment will increase participation and collaboration across arts and cultural groups throughout the region.
“This upgrade will enhance various activities and attract more events, supporting local business and the creative economy through regional, state, and interstate patronage creating quality experiences for all who attend,” Mr Franklin said.
“The hall is the largest venue in the Bellingen Shire and will host numerous events throughout the year.”
These range from international film festivals to music festivals, cultural festivals and arts events.
Member for Oxley Melinda Pavey said the NSW Government’s investment would support quality arts venues for the community that would boost tourism and the Bellingen economy.
“This targeted support will deliver excellent opportunities for the economy and help us provide better cultural experiences for our local audiences and visitors to enjoy.” Ms Pavey said.
Bellingen Memorial Hall is one of 23 successful projects funded under the NSW Government’s $72 million Creative Capital program.
Further details on the Creative Capital program are available on the Create NSW website at www.create.nsw.gov.au.
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